Little Evaki Needs Help!

Abandoned baby bobcat needs MRI

Little Evaki Needs Help! image

An urgent situation at the sanctuary this week needs your help! You remember little, Evaki, right!? Earlier this year we shared some progression videos of her and our other resident bobcat, Chester, as they learned to become roommates and friends. It’s been a joy to watch these two play, hunt, and enrich each other’s lives simply by cohabitating. In the native Baikari culture, Evaki is known to be a night goddess responsible for placing the sun in the sky each day and putting it back in a jar each night. Right now, in the area we call “the woods” at Black Pine Animal Sanctuary, it’s pretty gloomy. Our little sun goddess is having some trouble that traces back to before she came to live with us.

Evaki came to Black Pine for the REST of her life in 2019. She was originally found a few hours south of the sanctuary on a construction site. Workers noticed her one day and decided to do what we often recommend: They left her alone in hopes her mother would be back for her. The next day, they returned to work to find little baby Evaki still abandoned and crying for help. They knew they had to do something fast, as she had already been alone without food or water for at least 24 hours. Luckily, a licensed wildlife rehabber was found, and the process of nursing this little creature back to health began.

Nutrition and hydration were not her only concerns. There was also something *possibly* neurological going on with Evaki’s back legs. They just weren’t “right.” Over time, as she built strength, she began to walk more normally and her legs became less of a concern. By the time she was healthy and big enough to survive on her own, the window of releasing her back to the wild had closed. Evaki was, again, in need of refuge. The rest (as they say) is history.

Since arriving at Black Pine, Evaki has become a favorite among guests. She can often be observed stalking her buddy, Chester, and pouncing on him at the right moment to provoke a tumble and chase around their habitat. That has not been the case this week. Evaki has spent most of her time inside and the issue with her back legs seems to be reoccurring. Meds helped at first, but those are beginning to become ineffective. Orthopedic specialists have been consulted, and the issue is not orthopedic. Our little girl needs an MRI… to the tune of $5000.

We have been in conversation with Blue Pearl Pet Hospital, an emergency and specialty pet hospital in Grand Rapids, MI, and they can make this happen for Evaki for $3500!! We understand so many are struggling right now, but we also know that Evaki needs our help. Please consider making a donation to help us cover the cost of the testing Evaki needs to help her feel better. She is currently on cage rest until she can get the testing she needs and a treatment plan can be devised. Her life and comfort matters, and we are committed to helping her enjoy the REST of her life. Your support means the absolute world to us… and to little Evaki.